Adopt Don't Shop

Over a year ago my Grandma, the woman that raised me passed away. When I was little she was the one that took me in & raised me. Well, fast forward to April of 2015 a few months after she passed I decided to get a dog. The hard part was finding one that my kids could be around with their allergies. I was told I could only buy one but I wouldn't hear of it. I hated to see animals being in shelters because they're unwanted. So, I decided to give Christian County Animal Shelter in Hopkinsville, Ky a try first. I walked in & told them what I wanted. I held several dogs but each one made me sneeze, cough & my eyes water. Then the man showed me a dog that was sick but getting ready to be posted for adoption. He was a Yorkie. A bigger Yorkie. Well I held him & I just knew he was the one. He snuggled right to me & didn't want to be put down. When I tried to put him back in his cage? He fought me. I told them I wanted him, but first I had to go get him a bed...