Adopt Don't Shop

Over a year ago my Grandma, the woman that raised me passed away. When I was little she was the one that took me in & raised me. 
Well, fast forward to April of 2015 a few months after she passed I decided to get a dog. The hard part was finding one that my kids could be around with their allergies. I was told I could only buy one but I wouldn't hear of it. I hated to see animals being in shelters because they're unwanted. So, I decided to give Christian County Animal Shelter in Hopkinsville, Ky a try first. I walked in & told them what I wanted. I held several dogs but each one made me sneeze, cough & my eyes water. 
Then the man showed me a dog that was sick but getting ready to be posted for adoption. He was a Yorkie. A bigger Yorkie. Well I held him & I just knew he was the one. He snuggled right to me & didn't want to be put down. When I tried to put him back in his cage? He fought me. 
I told them I wanted him, but first I had to go get him a bed & some food etc. They held him until I came back. When we got home I gave him a bath & laid him in the bed with Bradley (he was on third shift at the time). It startled him but he liked him nonetheless. When we picked up the kids from school they were so excited to see we had a dog!
He was FULLY house trained & command trained. He has been the best dog we could ask for. No accidents, loving towards the kids but a Momma's boy. If you're looking for another dog I strongly recommend to adopt, don't shop! 
Just walk into a shelter once. I promise you, you'll be so glad you did! You'll realize the importance of adopting a dog. You may not be able to save ALL of the dogs but saving one life means the world to that dog! #adoptdontshop 


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