Do not be unhappy, be happy!

Do you ever wonder why we put our happiness in someone else's hands? Ever wonder why we feel like if our husbands, wives, kids, moms and dads are unhappy we should be as well?
WELL LISTEN UP PEOPLE! I have some good news for you! We can be happy ourselves! Don't worry about why so many are unhappy.. I'm not saying make your heart cold to others, negativity grows BUT so does happiness.
Psalms 118:24 says, This is the day that which the Lord has made; we will rejoice and be glad in it.
Show the world we as Christians should be happy, even when things go wrong. Keep an upbeat positive attitude! (I'm sharing this to myself as well, not just to others.)
I have so much to be thankful for! I'm saved, my kids are healthy, my husband has a good job, but most of all Jesus is coming soon! If that doesn't make you want to shout, nothing will!
 So, let's be a blessing to someone, smile, share a word of encouragement or just whisper a prayer for them. Who knows? We may be the only Bible they read!


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