Putting A Limit On God

There are times when we put a limit on God & what he can do. We say “I don’t know what else I can do but I’ll pray for you.” Praying is THE best thing you can do for a person. Yes, money is good, lending a helping hand is also good, but when you pray God brings in reinforcements that we can’t even imagine. He does things for us that we could never even dream of if we put our faith & trust in him. As long as we have the faith of a mustard seed, we can move mountains. 

He also doesn’t want us to worry. That’s where having faith & trust in the Lord comes in as well. If we worry, then we can’t have our faith & trust in the Lord. It also means that we are putting a limit on God. He made the entire universe in 6 days & rested on the 7th day! Why would you think for a second that he doesn’t have everything under control. Yes, bad things do happen to us. All the time. Yes, there is evil in the world, so much evil. It’s hard to turn on the news or radio Bc of the evil things I hear. But we can overcome evil & Satan with the Lords help. God is faithful. He is always there for us.

Sometimes I would go to the altar & pray. Only to pick my problem back up & carry it out of the church with me. I couldn’t understand why my problem wasn’t being rid of. The Lord showed me that I wasn’t laying it on the altar & leaving it there. I kept on picking it back up. I was putting a limit on God & what he could do. Well, this last year I faced a battle, our whole family did. It was a hard battle. But I KNEW that everything was going to be okay. Because I gave it to the Lord & let Him have his way. The Devil fought me hard on it, he fought my husband hard, he fought our kids on this battle. He fought my family so hard because he wanted us to put a limit on God. He wanted us to carry our problems so he could add more to it. He knew what the Lord had in store for us. That was why he fought us so hard. But I’m so thankful we rebuked the Devil in Jesus name & we overcame the evil he was trying to put over us.

I’m not going to say that once you rebuke the Devil he won’t come back. He will keep coming back. But as long as we pray, read & study our Bible, go to church & live for the Lord we will be able to resist the Devil & he will flee! Doesn’t that make you want to shout? Our God has no limits & He wants to do all he can for us! 


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